Gay Republican George Santos denies history as drag queen despite resurfaced photos

The New York Republican has appeared to lie about his career, history, and alleged past drag queen performances.

Side by side image of George Santos wearing suit and tie and red dress and wig, the openly gay New York Republican denies competing in drag.

New York Republican, George Santos, denies that he performed as a drag queen in Brazil beauty pageants, but multiple witnesses and photo evidence suggest otherwise.

Drag artist Eula Rochard was the first to suggest George Santos used to perform as a drag queen, claiming that the congressman competed in drag in 2005 and again in 2008.


Santos is an openly gay Republican who won a seat in Congress in 2021, but he has positioned himself as an anti-LGBTQ+ politician who has publicly supported Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law which prohibits discussing gender identity and sexual orientation in schools.

In a video shared on his campaign’s Facebook page, Santos said, “As a gay man, I stand proudly behind not teaching our children sex or sexual orientation…That’s incumbent on the parents, not educators. DeSantis, you have my full-blown support and I support your decision to protect our children’s innocence.”

This is the latest scandal that demonstrates a stark contrast between Santos’ past actions and anti-LGBTQ+ conservative views, but he dismissed the allegation as a “recent obsession” by the media in a tweet on Thursday.


Democrats and Republicans are calling for George Santos to resign as ongoing investigations are highlighting lies about his career and personal history.

He has reportedly used multiple aliases over the years and he continues to face questions about his resumé including fabrications about his accomplishments. The schools that he claims to have graduated from have no records of him, and previous employers have denied working with him.

Additionally, a disabled veteran claims that he stole thousands of dollars from a GoFundMe for his dying dog. While Santos claimed that his mother survived the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001, immigration documents indicate that she wasn’t even in the country at the time of the attack.

The US Republican party continues to threaten LGBTQ+ rights with more than 100 anti-queer bills in 22 states being introduced in 2023 alone.

Many of the new bills target LGBTQ+ youth, and Arizona, Arkansas, Montana, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia have all introduced proposed legislation that would prevent people under the age of 18 from attending drag performances.

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