Belong To Youth Project

Dublin 2 Visit Website Belong To is the Irish national LGBTQ+ organisation. They support LGBTQ+ young people ages 14-23.


Belong To Youth Project

More Information

Phone: 01 670 6223 (Monday-Friday from 9am-1pm & 2pm-5pm)
Email: [email protected]
Drugs and Alcohol Support: [email protected]


Belong To is the national LGBTQ+ youth organisation.

Since 2003, Belong To has grown from a youth project into a unique national services and advocacy organisation with and for LGBTQ+ children and young people. Youth services, which inform our research, education work and a development approach, enable us to provide solution-based advocacy at an institutional and public level.

We are rooted in and driven by our direct work with LGBTQ+ young people aged 14-23 and we exist to:

  • Create and generate safe spaces and places for LGBTQ+ young people.
  • Empower others through education to support LGBTQ+ young people.
  • Lead policy and practice by providing expertise, developing best practice models and reflecting lived experiences.
  • Ensure LGBTQ+ young people have the opportunity to have their voices heard.
  • Be an advocate for LGBTQ+ young people and champion change.

Belong To also provides information on LGBTQ+ identities, self care, health, bullying, and LGBTQ+ rights on their website.

Youth Groups

Belong To runs the following youth groups in Dublin City:

  • Under 18’s – This group is for LGBTQ+ young people aged between 14-17 years old.
  • Over 18’s – This group is for LGBTQ+ young people aged between 18-23 years old.
  • IndividualiTy – This safe, positive, and fun space is for young trans people and those exploring their gender identity.
  • The Ladybirds – This is a group for young LBT gals and non-binary pals.

If you would like to join any of these groups, you can fill out this form on the Belong To website.

New members first attend the New Young Person’s Group, a once off group taking place on zoom every second Monday. This group is a safe space where you will get the chance to meet one of the youth workers and ask them any questions you may have regarding Belong To, meet with new young people and have fun.

Support Services

Belong To provides a dedicated drug and alcohol support service for LGBTQ+ youth. The service is free cost, confidential, non-judgemental, and operates from a harm reduction model.

This is a space to bring any concerns you have around your drug and alcohol use and to talk to our dedicated Drug and Alcohol Youth Worker. You can fill out the form on the Belong To website, or email [email protected], and they will get in touch with you to arrange a time and day to meet in confidence.

Belong To also provides a 1-to-1 Family Support Service, for parents and family members of LGBTQ+ young people. You can request an in person or online support meeting, or ask a question online by filling out this form on the Belong To website.

Education, Training, and Resources

Belong To provides education and training on supporting LGBTQ+ young people. Available training includes specific workshops for:

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