How these queer mountaineers celebrated Pride in the Alps

On the weekend of August 3 to 4, 2024, a group of LGBTQ+ mountaineers gathered in Berchtesgaden National Park to celebrate Pride.

This article covers the story of how lgbtq+ mountaineers celebrated pride on the German Alps. This photo shows the mountaineers celebrating.
Image: Sourced from pink summits website

On the weekend of August 3 to 4, 2024, a diverse and passionate group of LGBTQ+ mountaineers gathered in Berchtesgaden National Park in the German Alps to celebrate Pride in an extraordinary way—by connecting their love for the mountains with their commitment to queer visibility.

The event, organised by Pink Summits, an international queer community of mountaineers and climbers, was sponsored by Osprey Europe. Pink Summits aims to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion in outdoor sports while fostering a supportive network for queer adventurers.

Participants travelled from across Europe and beyond, representing countries like the UK, Thailand, Norway, and Austria. Their shared goals were clear: to unite in their passion for the outdoors and create a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Despite challenging weather conditions, with rain clouds looming throughout the weekend, participants safely arrived at the event’s hub, the Neue Traunsteiner Hut. For two days, this remote lodge in the Alps was transformed, adorned with Pride flags and filled with a vibrant sense of community.


The event featured presentations and talks that spotlighted Pink Summits’ recent activities, including an inspiring expedition to Denali, the highest peak in North America. This climb marked a significant milestone for the group in its mission to increase LGBTQ+ visibility in the world of high-altitude mountaineering. Throughout the weekend, participants shared their own stories and experiences, creating a sense of solidarity and inspiration.

Looking ahead, Pink Summits has ambitious plans for 2025. The organisation intends to expand the Pride event into a multi-day celebration that will include a range of outdoor activities such as self-guided hiking, mountaineering, and climbing tours.

These events are designed not only to empower queer individuals in outdoor sports but also to build lasting connections among LGBTQ+ mountaineers from around the world. The expanded format aims to offer a wider variety of activities that cater to different skill levels and interests, ensuring that everyone feels welcome, whether they are seasoned mountaineers or newcomers to the sport.

In addition to organising events, Pink Summits is committed to supporting the growth of queer representation in outdoor sports through its scholarship program. The latest round of applications is now open, inviting rock climbers of all experience levels to apply for funding. The scholarship aims to help LGBTQ+ climbers pursue their next adventure, whether it be a challenging ascent or an entry-level climb, all within the inclusive environment fostered by the Pink Summits team.

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