A driver at one of Northern Ireland’s largest taxi companies faces disciplinary action after he allegedly kicked two gay men out of his cab for kissing.
The driver from FonaCab – who were the official taxi partners for last year’s Belfast Pride – allegedly told Mark McLoughlin and friend Stuart McDonald to “get the fuck out” after McDonald kissed McLoughlin on the cheek and neck.
“We rang for two taxis to take us to the Kremlin from Elms Village. The other taxi arrived at the Kremlin no problem and we got into the second,” McLoughlin told The Belfast Telegraph.

“My friend Stuart kissed me on the cheek and then on the neck and the taxi driver must have seen us through the glass because he said, ‘Stop that, I’m not having that in my taxi’.”
“He pulled over on the Malone Road and we said, ‘Are you serious? You can’t do that, it’s illegal’. He said, ‘Yes, get out now, I don’t care’.”

After responding to complaints about the incident on Twitter, the company issued an apology to McLoughlin yesterday.
“FonaCab are an equal opportunities employer and have a stringent equality and diversity policy,” said FonaCab business development manager Simon Kitchen. “We take pride in offering services to the entire community and are a sponsor of Belfast Pride.”
“We are aware of an alleged incident taking place and are conducting an internal investigation. It would be unfair at this time to comment as the investigation is still ongoing.”
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