Zappone to Launch National LGBT+ Youth Report

Minister for Children, Katherine Zappone will launch the Youth Consultation Report: ‘Pride, Pals, and Perspectives’ at a public event.


In 2017, as part of the the National LGBTI+ Youth Strategy, over 4,000 young people across Ireland contributed in consultations online and off.

The result of these consultations is theYouth Consultation Report, which will be launched by Minister Katherine Zappone at a special event next month in Dublin.

At the event, members of the Youth Advisory Group will present findings from the report, and young LGBTI+ people from around the country will display
and present creative work relevant to their identities on the theme of ‘Pride, Pals, and Perspectives’.

The Department of Children and Youth Affairs are looking for individuals and groups to present work they have been doing in the area of LGBTI+ identity, activism, issues and conversation. A bursary scheme has been established to assist people preparing work to present at this event, which may include a video, a poster campaign, a piece of spoken word or theatre, an art project, a study, or any kind of demonstration of creativity that ties in with the theme of this event.

Funding is also available for transport to the event, especially if you live outside Dublin. Applications for the bursary and travel funding can be made here.

The report will be launched on Saturday, December 9th, from 12 noon to 4pm at Dogpatch Labs at CHQ in Dublin 1.

The development of the LGBTI+ Youth Strategy is a key commitment for the Department of Children and Youth Affairs in the Programme for Government (2016) and also makes a contribution towards the Government’s broader commitment to continue to strive for full inclusion of LGBTI+ people in Ireland.

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