“Some songs you write, others just materialise. This one seemed born ready.”
Hey Colin! If you could describe Bouts’ music in one sentence, what would it be?
Bouts play pop-grunge noise rock with an inherent, unashamed attachment to big pop hooks.
What’s the message of your new single, ‘Face Up’?
Face Up’ is a no-filter, punch-the-air plea for staring things down and pushing on through. Some songs you write, others just materialise. This one seemed born ready. Its immediacy excites us as much now as those first moments playing it. Capturing energy and cathartic release is something we always strive for as a band. ‘Face Up’ is about that journey to letting go.
Who or what is doing it for you in the world of music right now?
‘Cocoa Sugar’ by Young Fathers has been on heavy repeat since its release.
Who is the greatest personal influence on your life and why?
Dad – he is a complete hero and my best friend. He’s always supportive and a positive influence on my life. Love you Dad, if you’re reading!
Who is the greatest musical influence on you, and why?
I grew up on a diet of Michael Jackson who has always resonated with me. I think there’s a video of eight year-old me singing ‘Man In the Mirror’ in a GAA club in Monaghan. I hope it’s never found (although I’m pretty sure I burnt and buried it).
In recent years I think artists like Jack White, Stephen Malkmus and Beck have influenced me musically.
Who is your gay icon?
If you could have any five musicians over to yours for dinner, who would they be?
Wayne Coyne (Flaming Lips), Peter Gabriel, Kim Deal (Pixies/The Breeders), PJ Harvey, and Bez of the Happy Mondays.
Who would play you in the biopic of your life, and what would it be called?
Ezra Miller would be great! It would have be called ‘Sunburnt Jets’ which is my other alias online and a reference to possibly one of my favourite songs of all time, ‘Piano Fire’ by Sparklehorse.

What’s the best piece of life advice you ever received?
Be you, be present, true to yourself and don’t let others put you down. Never be ashamed of who you are.
If the world were ending tomorrow, what would you do today?
Get on the next flight to Goa with all my friends.
Bouts’ single ‘Face Up’ is currently on release, with the album to follow later this year. Find out more about Bouts here.
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