Thanks to the power of augmented reality, Maser’s Repeal the 8th mural has been given a new burst of life
Maser‘s Repeal the 8th Mural is back. With the power of augmented reality, the artwork can now be anywhere that people can print out and stick up a QR code.
In an Instagram post, The Hunreal Issues explain how to turn your android device (sorry iPhone users, support for iOS still to come) into the AR machine that can recreate the Repeal the 8th Mural:
“If you missed out on getting a selfie at the @maserart mural @projectartscenetre, well fret not. Next time you’re in the neighbourhood, pop out your android, visit and point your phone at the QR code to see an AR version of the mural on the blue wall. Endless potential selfies.”
You can print out your own copy of the QR code from the website, which will enable you to take selfies and show your support wherever your spot the 8Mural QR code.

The Repeal the 8th wall marker QR code.
Painting Over An Idea
Maser’s Repeal the 8th mural was an iconic artwork that saw its untimely removal from outside the Project Arts Centre due to planning permission issues with Dublin City Council (DCC).
Check out our video of the removal below:
Since the mural’s removal, counter to what those who submitted complaints to DCC would have hoped, the Repeal movement is gathering traction, inspiring other artworks.
The Hunreal Issues have T-shirts, badges and other Repeal the 8th merchandise available to buy (with funds going towards the Repeal campaign).
Also on their site, the full resolution original artwork created by Maser is available to download for people to print and show their support wherever they want.
Check out this video to see how the QR code works.
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