So much has happened in the BB house over the weekend that it feels like it’s been on for about 6 months.
Here’s a brief recap:
Tila – or should I say ‘Hitlia’ – was unceremoniously removed from the house, less than 24 hours after entering, after it was discovered that she’s actually a virulent anti-Semite who in 2013 photoshopped a picture of herself in sexy-Stormtrooper gear outside Auschwitz.
Here is a sample from a – sadly not ironic – blog post entitled ‘Why I sympathise with Hitler, Part 1’: “Once upon a time in a land far away there was a special and sweet kid who had a dream to become a painter.
“He was a brilliant artist and was ahead of his time. He had hopes, and dreams just like we all do.
“Unfortunately, the art schools did not feel the same as he and they rejected him. Fast forward a few years later he was roughed up and bullied on top of that by the same people he once loved. His Name was Hitler.” WHAT?!
Why did no-one check to see if she was bessies with the principals of national socialism before hiring her for £175,000?

According to that paragon of journalistic integrity, The Daily Mail, TT was removed after having “a conversation about Hitler.” This wasn’t televised but I’m curious as to how the subject arose. Maybe they were discussing underrated artists? “I’m so tired of Banksy getting all the praise…mediocre watercolours by despotic tyrants are where it’s at y’all!”
Well, either way she’s gone now, replaced by a woman of almost equal “quirkiness”, former supermodel and reality TV fixture, Janice Dickenson.
(This season of BB is turning out to be a powerful warning as to the dangers of excessive cosmetic surgery.)
In other news: Farrah and Scouse Kitten scrap, Janice and Jenna fight over kosher food (very OITNB), Austin and Apprentice lad get homoerotic, Janice applauds bald Gail for being “so, so brave. My mother had cancer” making it hilariously cleat that she thinks Gail has cancer, when in fact she has alopecia.
Never a dull moment. Stay tuned!
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