Doctor Who airs groundbreaking same-sex kiss sending fans into a frenzy

Russell T Davies' new season continues to break new ground, as the Doctor is experiencing what is thought to be his first gay romance.

A screenshot from Doctor Who where the Doctor is sharing a kiss with Rogue.
Image: @Tharizdun03 via X

In the latest episode of Doctor Who, the titular character played by Ncuti Gatwa shared a kiss with Jonathan Groff’s anti-hero, Rogue. The scene, aired on Saturday, June 8, marked a historic moment in the sci-fi series’ 60-year history, and fans couldn’t contain their excitement.

The episode followed the Doctor and his companion Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson, as they travelled back to 1813 England for a Bridgerton-inspired party. However, before they could attend the soiree, the pair faced interference from Rogue, a bounty hunter from the future who is looking to capture and burn a shapeshifting Chuldur.

The Doctor and Rogue follow somewhat of an enemies-to-lovers trajectory, as they enjoy a night of ballroom dancing and flirting before sharing a short kiss. However, a shock twist separates the pair, as Rogue whispers “Find me” before disappearing.

Although Doctor Who has featured same-sex kisses in the past, it is thought that this is the first time the protagonist has had a romance with another male character.

Fans took to X after the fact to celebrate the moment, with one person writing: “god if I had seen the doctor kiss a bloke when I was 14 it would have made a hell of a difference. to think that this show is watched by 14 year olds in the closet now is masterful. what a show.”


Another said: “I keep seeing people try to play down how big a deal this moment is…this is the Doctor’s first proper onscreen romance with a man? Are people just not seeing how major this is?”


“This is going to be so incredible for so many younger fans to see. This is normal. This is life and love and happiness. This is their hero. This is Pride,” someone else shared.


This is the latest milestone to be achieved by the series, which is now in its 14th season. Ncuti Gatwa is also the first Black Doctor, receiving excellent reviews for his performance so far. 

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