How the Elton John AIDS Foundation is providing vital HIV support to youth in Kenya

The Elton John AIDS Foundation is working with Zipline and the Kisumu County government to tackle HIV in Kenya.

elton john speaking on a panel for the Elton John AIDS foundation
Image: The Elton John Aids Foundation website

The Elton John AIDS Foundation, established in 1992, is one of the world’s leading independent organisations dedicated to combating AIDS. In partnership with Zipline, a logistics company, and the Kisumu County government in Kenya, the Foundation is delivering HIV medication and testing kits to key areas across the country.

Kenya has the third largest HIV epidemic globally, with around 1.7 million people living with HIV. Furthermore, 42% of new HIV cases occur in young people aged 15 to 24.

With the new program, medical providers in Kenya will be able to order supplies directly from Zipline, where delivery can take as little as half an hour. The initiative is designed to support over 14,000 young people in regular HIV testing, help 8,000 at-risk adolescents begin PrEP, and provide treatment for over 1,000 youth living with HIV. 

This is part of a three-year plan to supply the region with HIV-related necessities.

“Equal access to proper medication is vital in ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Through this historic partnership with Zipline and community-based partners, we can better provide necessary medications when and where they are needed, outside of conventional health settings and in the areas young people frequent most,” said CEO of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, Anne Aslett.

“When the right information and services directly engage youth where they are, they will make better, safer choices. This will lead to reduced HIV infection and improved health outcomes for themselves, those they love, and their peers.”

Meanwhile, Elton John highlighted the global responsibility to treat and prevent HIV, emphasising that “if we can agree that every life holds equal value and ensure access to treatment and prevention for everyone, regardless of location or circumstance, we can ultimately end AIDS.”

Kisumu County Governor, Prof Anyang Nyong’o, praised Zipline’s impact, stating, “Zipline’s instant logistics system has been shown to improve care quality, patient outcomes, and the satisfaction of healthcare workers. By integrating this infrastructure into Kenya’s health system, we will ensure timely access to medication, better health education, and empower young people to make informed, healthier choices.”

The Elton John Aids Foundation is working with global partners to develop innovative care models that address the specific challenges young people face in accessing healthcare. One such partner is Kasha, whose discreet and accessible approach helps overcome barriers like stigma, transportation issues, and overwhelmed healthcare systems.

By offering a wide range of health products and personalised information, Kasha empowers young people to make informed health choices. Orders are delivered within 24 hours, and using AI technology, Kasha can anticipate when someone may be at risk of falling off treatment, providing timely support to keep them on track.

This combined effort of utilising advanced logistics and AI-powered healthcare ensures more convenient, proactive care, helping to transform the future of HIV treatment for young people.

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