The European Parliament has today voted for an EU Roadmap Against Homophobia and discrimination, according to Labour TD Dominic Hannigan.
Hannigan stated, “The report approved by the European Parliament today calls for a new EU action plan to combat homophobia. It is the latest in a series of moves to establish an equality roadmap for LGBT people in Europe.”
The European Parliament’s resolution passed by 394 votes to 176, with 72 abstentions. The Parliament strongly regretted that the fundamental rights of LGBT people are not always fully upheld in the EU, and MEPs put forward several themes and objectives that should be addressed in the EU roadmap.
The themes that they agreed should be addressed are in areas such as employment, education, health, goods and services, families and freedom of movement, freedom of expression, hate crime, asylum and foreign relations.

Hannigan explained, “The EU Roadmap Against Homophobia, and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity report, was written by MEPs from five separate political groupings. It calls on the European Commission to take action to end discrimination in a range of areas. These include education, employment, health and citizenship. We now expect that the European Commission will act on this roadmap.
“It is a chance for Europe to send out another strong message on tackling discrimination. Equality strategies are already in place for discrimination on the basis of disability, gender equality and Roma integration. LGBT people still experience unacceptable levels of harassment and discrimination in many places around Europe, despite the many positive changes over recent years. The EU has sent out a strong signal opposing this today,” said Hannigan.
“I hope that today’s discussion and vote will help progress the equality debate and keep the issue of LGBT rights on the European agenda,” he concluded.
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