Fry To Host Gay Wedding: The Musical


Stephen Fry is set to host one of the UK’s first gay weddings in a Channel 4 special called Our Gay Wedding: The Musical.


The grooms, composer Benjamin Till and West End actor Nathan Taylor will write and perform the music and lyrics that will be sung during the ceremony, accompanied by Fry’s commentary, reports The Independent online.

The 60-minute musical, which has yet to be given an official broadcast date, is set to celebrate the historic passing of the equal marriage bill which takes place in England and Wales on March 29. However, Our Gay Wedding: The Musical is expected to air on Monday, March 31.

Benjamin Till and Nathan Taylor (picture from The Independent Online)

“We’ve been together for nearly 12 years and never thought we’d get the chance to get married, for real,” the couple (pictured) said.

“Doing what we both do for a living has meant that we’ve spent our entire lives expressing emotion through song, so getting married in a musical, particularly one that we’re writing ourselves, felt like the most natural thing in the world.”


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