New funding programme launches to support LGBTQ+ communities in rural Ireland

Together, Dublin Pride and The Rowan Trust are offering €60,000 in Pride supports to amplify marginalised voices in rural Ireland.

Photo of people carrying giant Pride flag in rural Ireland representing the new Rowan Trust funding initiative

In partnership with Dublin Pride, The Rowan Trust is proudly launching an LGBTQ+ Regional and Radical Pride Fund to amplify marginalised voices throughout rural Ireland.

The new funding campaign aims to support LGBTQ+ communities in regional parts of the country outside of urban city centres. It was first piloted during the Pride 2023 season, which included 21 events and festivals across Ireland that supported solidarity and collective resilience.

The new funding programme offers €60,000 in financial and organisational support to initiatives that highlight the unique experiences of queer people living in regional and rural areas in Ireland, especially those that bridge gaps between marginalised groups.

Most importantly, the initiative strives to reach new voices within the LGBTQ+ community, build solidarity across diverse groups, and nurture a sense of community so that everyone is heard.


Dublin LGBTQ+ Pride is a non-profit organisation that promotes diversity and inclusion while raising awareness about the discrimination LGBTQ+ people face.

The Rowan Trust is an independent foundation made up of activists who fight for social justice alongside communities that have been pushed to the margins.

Together, these organisations ensure that their communities are safe, inclusive, and vibrant for all members by uplifting the voices too often left out of mainstream narratives and championing equality for all people.

While all applications will be considered, the LGBTQ+ Regional and Radical Pride Fund prioritises those that demonstrate a commitment to fostering solidarity and understanding across multiple marginalised groups. Priority will be given to initiatives that platform the most underrepresented members within the LGBTQ+ community.

To reach as many deserving community organisations as possible, the application process is straightforward and accessible via a simple form. Any programmes interested in applying for funding and support can reach out to [email protected] or [email protected].

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