Irish People Are Some of The Most Tolerant in the EU


Interesting news, thanks to a big EU Survey on Discrimination published today: Irish people are some of the most tolerant in the EU, and they are becoming more tolerant year by year.

According to the survey findings, Ireland closely resembles countries like the Netherlands and Scandinavia in its attitudes to LGBT people, ethnic minorities, the disabled, older people and those of another religion. Irish people also felt their country was a tolerant place – less Irish people believed that discrimination of any kind was widespread in their country than the EU average.

The survey was carried out last June (after Ireland’s marriage equality referendum). Over 1,000 people in Ireland were interviewed for the survey between 30 May and 8 June.

Among the findings unearthed was that 87% of Irish people agree that gay, lesbian and bisexual people should have the same rights as heterosexual people (EU average is 71%). Meanwhile, 82% of Irish people agree that there is nothing wrong in a sexual relationship between two persons of the same sex compared to an EU average of 67%. 80% agree that same sex marriages should be allowed throughout Europe (EU average is 61%). This is up 39 percentage points on a September 2006 survey.

On attitudes as to who should fill the highest elected political office in the land, Irish people are the most open-minded in the EU. Most Irish people polled are open to a woman or an older, younger, ethnic minority, or gay person in the Presidency.

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