Men aren't recycling to avoid looking gay

Toxic masculinity is not just harming people and society but it's harming the environment too.

Man wearing recycling t-shirt doing double thumbs up

A study has found that men aren’t recycling to avoid looking gay.

Being aware of environmental issues fell into perceived ideas of masculinity and femininity. In the study 960 participants had to attribute the behaviour of fictional characters as masculine or feminine based on eco-friendly behaviours such as turning off the air-conditioner, recycling or reusable shopping bags.

Toxic masculinity is literally harming nature.

The participants had to give their impression on a ten point scale from one to ten from straight to gay.

The fictional characters who had more environmentally-friendly habits were perceived as more feminine thus, if they were male, their sexuality came into question too.

The research suggested that if being perceived as straight was important to men that they would opt out of behaviours not considered conventionally masculine. The study demonstrated that “men were most likely to socially distance themselves” from behaviour that they wouldn’t attribute as being typically masculine. 

Maybe we should release a reusable bag with Jeremy Clarkson on it and they’d use them then. 

Professor Janet K. Swim at Pennsylvania State University led the research said that: “People may avoid certain behaviours because they are managing the gendered impression they anticipate others will have of them.”

Tote bags are cute, practical and the planet is literally dying. But no homo I guess.

Twitter users responded to the news using the #MasculinitySoFragile. @Jon_Cornejo said “#MasculinitySoFragile that it is killing our planet, as (presumably cis-het) men avoid recycling and other ‘green behaviours’ because they fear doing so will mean they are perceived as gay.”

@Ashley_Fitz6 asked the question we were all thinking: “It’s gay to take care of the planet now? It’s gay to care? About the planet you live on? #MasculinitySoFragile.”


Gender is a social construct that has a very real impact on peoples day to day lives, from the gender pay gap to how we’re perceived by others but now its literally hurting our planet.

Come on 2019 lets get re-cycling!

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