Ex-partner of Finland's first openly gay hockey player Janne Puhakka admits to murder

Rolf Nordmo has confessed to the murder of Janne Puhakka, Finland's first openly gay hockey player.

This articl is about Janne Puhakke, a former Finnish hockey player who was openly gay. Puhakka's partner has confessed to his murder
Image: @JannePuhakka on instagram

Janne Puhakka, a former Finnish professional ice hockey player and the first in his country to come out as gay, was found dead at his home in Espoo on Sunday, October 13. According to local news outlet Yle, Puhakka’s ex-partner, Rolf Nordmo (66), has admitted to his murder.

Authorities arrested Nordmo after a bystander called the police to the couple’s apartment, suspecting a violent crime had occurred. Detective Inspector Matti Högman, the lead investigator, stated that Nordmo admitted to shooting Puhakka with a hunting shotgun. While Nordmo had a permit for the firearm, police have not confirmed how many shots were fired.

Puhakka and Nordmo had been together for a decade, meeting in 2014 when Puhakka was 19 and Nordmo was 55. Their significant age difference raised concerns among Puhakka’s family early on, but these were later addressed.

The couple had reportedly split several weeks ago, however they had maintained some contact following their breakup. On the day of the incident, Puhakka had reportedly visited to arrange practical matters. It was during this visit that Nordmo fatally shot him.


Puhakka had publicly disclosed his sexuality in 2019, sparking discussions on LGBTQ+ issues in the traditionally conservative world of ice hockey. His public coming out was significant within the sports community both within Finland and internationlly, as he had concealed his sexuality for much of his early career, fearing backlash in the hyper-masculine environment of ice hockey. In a 2019 interview with Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, he emphasized the need for open discussions about LGBTQ+ topics in the sport.

Puhakka and Nordmo had shared details of their relationship in the Mirror in 2022, where Puhakka expressed how his fear of judgment led him to keep his relationship private for many years. Despite their separation, the tragic event has shocked many, leaving the ice hockey and LGBTQ+ communities mourning the tragic loss of Janne Puhakka.

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