Along with his brawn, porn newcomer Matt Stevens has a brain and he’s not afraid to use it. The 42 year-old tells Robert O’Connor how not all porn stars are the stereotype you might expect.
Hi Matt! You lived the corporate life for more than 15 years as a public relations executive, what made you trade the boardroom for the on-camera bedroom?
I didn’t trade it entirely. After working for several years in mainly ‘corporate’ settings I decided I wanted the freedom and satisfaction of working for myself, and the ability to choose the clients I represent, so I started my own consulting company. Once I became my own boss, and after turning 40, I gave myself permission to live for myself a little bit more. I’d been asked to do adult films for years and was always curious, so 14 months ago I filmed my first movie and it’s been an amazing experience.
Would you consider going behind the camera and directing when you’re at a point where you’re no longer performing?
One of my degrees is in Broadcast Journalism, so I’ve always had a fascination to be in front of the camera and a willingness to learn all roles behind the camera. I know my on-camera shelf-life has an expiration date so I would ultimately like to continue to use my marketing background/experience and represent businesses and individuals in or related to this industry. This week I launched my new website,, where you can view my recent scenes, read my various blog posts and features, watch my video interviews with other performers, as well as gain unlimited access to other porn video streams, live cams and sex shops. Eventually, I would like to produce my own video content to be featured exclusively on my site.
I’ve talked to a couple of gay porn stars who have suffered addiction to alcohol and drugs. Being part of the industry, how do you avoid those pitfalls?
First of all, addiction does not discriminate. If you talk to lawyers or accountants, or mainstream film actors, they might tell you they suffer from addiction as well, so it’s just not a pitfall of this industry. However, a predisposed addictive personality will have his sobriety continually test, as this industry will bring out most of your insecurities. I would also like to point out that there are many examples of long-term sobriety with the industry as well.

You’ve admitted to being a big news and politics junkie – are you totally dying to make a hybrid movie where you screw a guy on a news set?
I never thought of that, but that would be mad hot! Hopefully, a director is reading this and can turn that into a future scene. I always like scenes that start off with hot guys in suits.
You’re in your prime as a man at 42 now, but obviously it’s harder to keep your muscles big and your body fat low as the years go by. What are you doing to keep in the shape you are?
It actually wasn’t that hard for the first 41 years of my life. However, the last year has been a struggle as I have noticed a major decrease in strength and an increase in post-workout aches and pains. Then, in March I tore a tendon in my bicep that stymied any significant upper body workouts. Unfortunately, it seems like many guys my age, who have been lifting since their early to mid-20’s, experience serious shoulder/arm/neck/back injuries. Moving forward, I just want to maintain my size as much as possible and continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a low body fat percentage has never been a problem for me as it is really hard for me to gain weight. I have a naturally fast metabolism plus I eat small meals every two-to-three hours, so my metabolism is almost always in motion. This allows me to eat certain not-so-healthy food selections or devour a heaping plate of pasta (my daily lunch), along with the usual chicken, fish, brown rice, sweet potatoes, egg whites, vegetables/fruits etc.
When a mainstream actor is doing press for a movie they had to film a sex scene in, they often say how awkward it was, even when it looked hot. Do you ever feel like your day at work is just a series of awkward moments?
Yes, it can be. Starting with physical awkwardness because you rarely perform in a comfortable setting or position. Instead you’re trying to keep from sliding off a weight bench, or from falling off a ladder or trying not to drop from the ceiling while suspended and tied up. Most shoots combine hours of taking photos with the actual shooting of the scene so it can be an endurance test.
Who’s been your best lay so far, and who’s on your to do list?
Off-screen, my best sex has often occurred with someone that might not fit my ‘ideal’ description, and conversely many times that ‘perfect’ Adonis you have been eyeing turns out to be boring or lack any passion in bed. On screen, I had an amazing time shooting ‘Foul Play’ for Titan which was just released last week with the sweet and sexy Nick Prescott. On my wish list is about a dozen European-based actors, starting with a beautiful Italian man with the initials BB. I am featuring him on my website in a couple weeks, so I still have to be somewhat mysterious!

Bareback porn is becoming more popular, what are your feelings about that? Is it as safe as some guys are saying?
My position is very simple, and I’m not the first or last to say it: “to each his own.” There is a lot of new research out there, so it’s important to stay educated.
While I was ‘researching’ for this interview I came across a video with your co-star, Dirk Caber from Titan Men, getting his trademark blond hair shaved by you. Do you harbour some sort of secret desire to be a hairdresser?
I have no desire to be a hairdresser. That came about the day before the scene when Dirk thought he might go to the barber for a short haircut. I mentioned that I could buzz his head later as I had my clippers at the hotel… then we both had the idea that maybe we could incorporate it into the scene. The concept was approved by Titan director Paul Wilde and the next day Dirk became my twin on the set.
Fashion models often request music to get them in the mood on a shoot. What gets you in the mood when you have a photographer up in your junk?
I usually watch porn on my phone or engage in a little pre-scene snogging with my scene partner.
Visit Matt’s brand new website for exclusive content, and check him out on Twitter.
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