UCD LGBT+ Society Revive Inspiring Magazine GLUEPOT

UCD LGBTQ+ society launched GLUEPOT, an exciting new publication aimed at UCD's LGBT+ students, today.

A rainbow flag and 5 hands. Each hand contains a letter from the word PRIDE. This is the cover of the new magazine GLUEPOT

GLUEPOT is an outlet for students at UCD to be creative and write about important issues faced by the LGBT+ community. UCD LGBTQ+ have decided to bring back this meaningful magazine as they recognised there is a huge amount of talent and creativity throughout their community.

They hope that their publication will grow to be a “space to express that creativity, but also a space that at its core is loving and supporting of all LGBTQ+ creators”. 

UCD LGBTQ+ first announced they were going to revive the publication back on February 5.

The new GLUEPOT will be filled with work from members of their society. It will be an extremely creative publication ranging from poetry and opinion pieces to personal photography and fiction pieces.

The overall aim of the magazine is to give the LGBT+ students at UCD a space to support each other and create this amazing publication.

The students also received one of the old GLUEPOT magazines by the original founder, Tonie Walsh, which further inspired them to create this publication. GLUEPOT was created in the late ‘70s, by Tonie. At that time there was a UCD LGBT+ Society but it was not acknowledged by the university, as homosexuality was still an offence in Ireland.

A rainbow flag and 5 hands. Each hand contains a letter from the word PRIDE. This is the cover of the new magazine GLUEPOT

Even just publishing the magazine was a big risk, but the writers felt it was very important to let members of the community know that they are not alone and to show them that there is a place to support LGBT+ members of the university.

The magazine was also used as an outlet to demand rights for students that were part of the LGBT+ community. Unfortunately, the magazine died down over a couple of years and eventually stopped publishing altogether.

TOP (left to right): Ariane Chabrol (editor), Rowan Cotter (secretary), Marianne Simonsen (content supervisor), Kartik Sharma (visual designer)
BOTTOM (left to right): A.E Quinn (submissions officer), E. Savage (submissions officer), Saoirse McKenna (visual designer)

The students have received extremely positive support from UCD. In February, the submissions to be part of the subcommittee were opened and all members of the UCD society were allowed to apply. 

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