Walt Disney Cuts Funding To Boy Scouts

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The Walt Disney Company has announced that it will cut it’s funding to the Boy Scouts of America over the organisation’s anti-gay policy.


Walt Disney will cut it’s donations to the Boy Scouts of America from the beginning in 2015, because of a policy that bans gay adult leaders in the organisation. While Disney does not provide direct funding to the Boy Scouts, it awards grants to some troops in exchange for volunteer hours completed by Disney employees.

Deron Smith, a representative from The Boy Scouts of America organisation said he was “disappointed” with the decision by Disney, and said that the cuts will affect the organisation’s ability to serve children.

He said in a statement yesterday, “We believe every child deserves the opportunity to be a part of the scouting experience and we are disappointed in this decision because it will impact our ability to serve kids.”

Last year, the Boy Scouts of America overturned it’s long standing ban on openly scouts. The organisation started formally accepting gay boy scouts from January 1 of this year.

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