The trailer for American Horror Story: Cult dropped this morning, and it’s as relevant and gay as ever (well okay, it’s no Jessica Lange singing Life on Mars but hey- reach for the stars). The season will focus on Ally, played by the spectacular Sarah Paulson, a lesbian living in Michigan with her wife and child, who looses her sh*t the night that Donald Trump wins the Presidential election. Paulson’s character suffers from severe coulrophobia (a fear of clowns) in the wake of Trump’s election.
This marks the second time that Paulson has played a lesbian on the show, having played Lana Winters, a journalist who’s forced to under-go conversion therapy, in the show’s second season American Horror Story: Asylum. Sarah Paulson, who is openly gay and very in love with Holland Taylor (GCN Exclusive: we’re calling them Solland), is a flying example of actresses who are queer and playing queer on screen.
Alison Pill will play Ivy Richards, the other half of the lesbian couple, while Evan Peters stars as the greasy blue-haired Kai, who reacts to Trumps election by thrusting on the TV (like really). Kai appears to be leading a cult of terrifying clowns, alongside Winter (Billie Lourde) who infiltrates Ally and Ivy’s house as a child-minder and gives their kid a miniature statue of Twisty the Clown, who was confirmed to be returning this season.

Emma Roberts, Billy Eichner and Lena Dunham are nowhere to be seen in the trailer, but will make appearances in the new season. Instead, the trailer reveals scary clowns, scary clowns and (you guessed it) more scary clowns.
Ryan Murphy has taken this show to a new level, mirroring the political reality of the United States and playing on the fear that has followed in the wake of President Trump (even writing that hurts). The show’s creator has gone as far as putting Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the centre of title sequence…
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