A Cleric From Ghana Defends Beating Up LGBT People Because Gay Sex 'Causes Earthquakes'

Mossi people in Ghana, the country where a Muslim cleric believes that gay sex causes earthquakes

A Muslim cleric from Ghana says that Allah gets annoyed when people have sexual relations with the same sex and that gay sex causes earthquakes

In an interview with News Ghana the Muslim cleric named Mallam Abass Mahmud has claimed that gay people irk Allah when they engage in sexual encounters with one another.

The claim was made after rising reports of LGBT people being attacked in the West African country’s capital Accra and it’s surrounding areas.

“Allah gets annoyed when males engage in sexual encounter [sic] and such disgusting encounter causes earthquake,” the cleric is reported as saying.

“Should we allow such a shame to continue in our communities against our holy teachings?

“Certainly no, and we are very happy to chase away such idiots from our Zongo communities.”

Gay sex in Ghana is banned by law with a punishment of up to three years in prison if convicted.

However, while some extreme believers of Islam firmly stand opposed to same-sex relations of any kind, others have a more liberal faith and as such are protesting the assaults on LGBT people.

Attitude reports that the British Government’s travel advice for Ghana says “Although there is a small gay community, there is no ‘scene’ and most Ghanaians don’t accept that such activity exists.”

With LGBT people being openly assaulted by members of the Ghanaian populace, it definitely wouldn’t be on the list of countries we’d plan to visit anytime soon!

Besides, if it’s true that gay sex causes earthquakes then surely Ireland would be extremely tumultuous since legalising same-sex marriage last year!

image: Sputniktilt

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