Our #StayAtHomo campaign is a way for us to share the day-to-day realities for LGBT+ people during the lockdown. To help feel connected during these challenging times, we’ve been asking our LGBT+ community to share their stories and experiences with self-isolation, how they’re getting through the lockdown and how they are navigating either working from home or not being able to work at all.
Our friend and GCN reader, Suzie Bennett is a project coordinator for a design agency and explained that she “thinks in lists” and so for her contribution to #StayAtHomo, please enjoy this epic list.
things that help sue that might help you too:
-saying good morning to your pals + babas
-daily coffee ritual, the sweet spot
-supermarket flowers
-criminal podcast
-wiping the worktops every hour
-sending things to your pals
-receiving things from your pals
-lighting many candles
-albums: the score by the Fugees, max Richter’s, three worlds: music from Woolf works, pop 2 Charli xcx.
-baking scones
-eating scones
-buying Lidl scones when you haven’t baked any scones
-checking my privilege, being grateful
-googling ‘best action films 2020’, daily
-sitting on edge of the bed and staring out the window
-freak out neighbours from staring out of the window too much
-luring cats into your home
-trying not to pet the cat
-pet the cat
-looking at photographs
-knowing you’re part of the queer collective
-silent scream in the supermarket when they have flour
-screaming in general
-speaking in an Australian accent
-perfecting the Australian accent
-saying goodnight to pals + babas
-dreaming of the parties

Suzie would also like to let you all know about the Textile Studio, “a charity that provides jobs and training to refugee women. Through We Make Good, you can purchase washable face masks. €25 will buy one for yourself and it will also donate a mask to someone living in Direct Provision. Or if €25 is too much, any donation at all to people living in DP, DRCC or Women’s Aid would be excellent. #StayatHomo
Hup the queers & frontline workers. XXX
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