TG4 is airing episodes of its alternative documentary series Éire Eile, showcasing various subcultures throughout Ireland including the drag and queer punk scenes. Hosted by Cóilí Collins, more commonly known by his DJ alias Shampain, it will broadcast on the channel throughout August, after originally being made available on the online player.
The Irish-language TG4 show first travels to Belfast, where a flourishing queer punk scene is bringing a new cause to the genre’s decades-long legacy in the city. The episode airs on Thursday, August 1, at 11:35pm.
In the series’ following instalments, Shampain draws swords with one of Galway’s Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) clubs and spends time with artists pushing the boundaries of traditional Irish music. He then meets a Cork-based wheelchair basketball club, as well as a Limerick-based hip-hop squad and a League of Ireland football team.
In the penultimate episode, airing on August 22 at 11:35pm, the DJ is welcomed into Ireland’s drag community to experience firsthand what it takes to be a queen. The series concludes later that night at 11:50pm, as Shampain takes viewers into the electronic music scene that has defined Irish youth culture in recent years.
“The most moving part of making the series was witnessing the strength of communities and the empathy that exists within them,” Cóilí said.
“I grew up in a rural area and people who didn’t understand me oftentimes made no attempt to understand my interests and just thought I was weird. Meeting these groups of people and doing it all as Gaeilge was an extremely positive experience and something that has really changed the way I see the world, because if people have each other’s backs and don’t give in to fear we could all get along with each other but more importantly learn from each other’s experiences in life.”
Éire Eile will air on TG4 throughout August, with all episodes currently available to watch on YouTube and the online player.
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