Kristen Stewart says that she feels really bad for Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

The 25 year-old actor dat down with The Daily Beast at the Toronto International Film Festival to talk about her new film Equals, when the reporter brought up the anti-gay Kentucky clerk.
As a young woman who is in a same-sex relationship and “not hiding” – Stewart says she feels “really bad” for Davis.
“Oh my god. Did you see her come out of jail?” Stewart asked. “Honestly, it makes me so deeply uncomfortable. I feel really bad for her. Anyone who’s so closed off to things that are so apparent? Imagine what else she’s missing out on in life. I’m not making any grand statements about her personally, but if something so glaringly obvious, such as this subject…”
Reporter Marlow Stern finished her sentence, “… to have that much hate in your heart?”
“That’s why I feel bad for her. It’s like, ‘Oh, buddy, that must suck.’ That fear of the unknown cripples people, breeds hate and it’s just very sad.”
Earlier this year Stewart (kind of) confirmed a long rumoured romance with Alicia Cargile, saying, “Google me, I’m not hiding.”
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