Mark Feehily shares moving Pride video and hints at return to Westlife

Just over three months after announcing a step away from the spotlight, the gay Irish singer thanked fans for their support and promised to see them soon.

Westlife singer Mark Feehily sitting on a chair with one of his legs raise. He wears a black suit and sunglasses and smiles at the camera.
Image: @markusmoments via Instagram

Mark Feehily has hinted at a return to Westlife in a recent Instagram post while wishing fans a happy Pride and thanking them for their continued support. After months off of social media, the gay Irish singer returned to remind all of the importance of being true to yourself.

“​​I just want to wish everybody out there in Ireland, and of course across the world, a very, very happy Pride Month,” he started.

“Pride is an extremely important thing for all of us. Make sure you tell your family, friends, loved ones, your parents, your children, that you’re proud of them and encourage them to be themselves and to be proud of that.”



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“I’m proud to have you guys as fans and on that note, happy Pride from my family to yours, and we’ll see you very very soon. Lots of love.”

In the video, the Sligo-born star also officially launched the Human Collective Pride Range, telling fans to join the movement of being seen and keeping Pride visible. Part of the proceeds will go towards supporting charities such as LGBT Ireland and Outhouse. You can check out the Human Collective Pride Range here

On Wednesday, February 28, Feehily shared in a social media statement that he was temporarily standing down from Westlife. The singer revealed that he had been struggling with his health since August 2020, when he got severe Sepsis and spent months in hospital, away from his fiancé Cailean O’Neill and daughter Layla.

He was discharged in December 2020, but has had “ongoing medical problems as a result of it all”. 

The now 44-year-old singer shared his devastation in missing the upcoming tour dates with the group, but said: “for now, I have to make the right decision for my health and wellbeing, for my family, and for myself as a person.”



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Just two weeks ago, Mark officially ended his social media break, updating fans in a birthday post: “I am doing better each week and just enjoying time with my family and loved ones, it’s a physical and psychological journey!” 



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Feehily’s fans continue to wish him well online, sharing positive messages on his Pride video hoping for his fast recovery and return to Westlife. Mark in return expressed his appreciation for the support he has been receiving online throughout his battle with health difficulties. 

“I’ve been receiving a lot of positivity online as much as I’ve been on a social media detox, I have jumped on a couple of times and I just wanted to say a huge heartfelt thank you for all of the amazing messages,” he said.

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