Dublin priest, Martin Dolan, bravely told his congregation that he was gay after showing support for same-sex marriage, and was met with a standing ovation from parishioners.
Last weekend, Father Martin Dolan of the Church of St Nicholas of Myra in Dublin’s city centre, urged his congregation to vote Yes in this year’s same-sex marriage referendum, revealing in his sermon, “I’m gay myself.”
Proud parishioners stood and applauded the priest for his controversial revelation. Liz O’Connor, a community youth worker, told the Irish Sun, “We are all very proud of Martin. Because he has admitted that he is gay doesn’t change the person that he was before he said it.”
While most parishioners commended Father Dolan, some called for his removal from the church.

“I wouldn’t like to see him being moved for the statement he made. That would be horrendous,” O’Connor contested.
“He should be supported. He has done nothing wrong. If he’s moved, there would be uproar in this parish. He’s still the same man today. Martin has always been an advocate of people’s rights, and even spoke about the child abuse in the Church.
“There’s not many [priests] that would come out because they’re afraid of the bishops and that, but Martin is his own man. That’s what he believes in.”
A source in the Catholic Church reportedly told The Irish Sun, “It was very brave. He said he was gay. That was it…no bones about it. There’s a lot of gay priests but nobody will actually get up and say it.”
The Dublin Archdiocese refuse to comment until speaking with Father Dolan.
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