Irish football captain Robbie Keane expressed his support for a Yes vote in a passionate open letter to Sunday World yesterday.
Keane began the letter by stating that although he wouldn’t be home to vote on May 22, he “strongly” supports a Yes vote.
The LA Galaxy and Republic of Ireland captain went on to say that as a “proud Irishman” it is important to him that all citizens are treated equally.
“I am a very proud Irishman and it is important to me that our country does, and is seen to, treat all of its citizens on an equal footing.
“As a sportsman, fairness is key. My own personal view is that changing our Constitution on this issue is the right decision as it will give people the choice and opportunity to marry, irrespective of the fact that they may wish to marry someone of the same gender.”

“Marriage equality is an easy answer for me and will show the world that Ireland is a compassionate country that recognises and accepts diversity, and most importantly treats its’ citizens equally,” he added.
“Most of us will have friends or family who, up to now, have been denied to right to marry their loved ones or have been made to feel excluded because of their sexuality. To me, this feels wrong,” he continued.
“The rules of the game should be the same for all, no matter what team is right for you.”
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