Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman to reunite for Practical Magic sequel

While the original film is not explicitly queer, the powerful female leads, spooky occult story, and sapphic undertones resonate with LGBTQ+ audiences.

Photo of Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman sitting at table in 1998 film, Practical Magic.
Image: X @anistonily

It’s confirmed! Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman will officially star in and produce a Practical Magic sequel. Both actors starred in the original 1998 supernatural fantasy romance film, where they played the witchy Owens sisters who were raised by their aunts after their parents died from an ancient family curse.

As adults, the magically inclined sisters learn that after a woman in their family was abandoned by her lover, she cast a spell upon herself so she could never again “feel the agony of love”. According to the Practical Magic lore, the spell evolved into a curse applied to any man who falls in love with an Owens woman.

Bullock and Kidman’s characters devote themselves to breaking the curse with some magic of their own, but get tangled in a supernatural adventure when Sally (Bullock) accidentally drugs and kills Gillian (Kidman)’s abusive ex-boyfriend. After using magic to resurrect him, they are forced to fight his spirit.


Rumours began buzzing on Sunday evening when a Practical Magic-themed TikTok spread across social media announcing that the original film is now available to stream on HBO Max, and fans went wild when talk started about Kidman and Bullock possibly returning to their original roles.

The witchy fandom went feral today when Nicole Kidman officially confirmed with People Magazine that she will return to her role alongside Bullock.

Kidman said: “Yes I will be in it. And Sandy will be in it.” She added: “There’s a lot more to tell which is why we go, ‘OK, this is kind of interesting now to be able to do this.’”

She added: “We found a way in.”


While the film is not explicitly queer, its powerful female leads, spooky occult story, and sapphic undertones resonated with LGBTQ+ audiences.

Many queers related to the sisters feeling socially ostracised when rumours about their witchy identities spread through their community. Some interpreted this treatment as a metaphor for homophobia, making the film a cult classic among LGBTQ+ viewers.

Moreover, the iconic film’s soundtrack includes Stevie Nick’s ‘Crystal’ and Joni Mitchell’s ‘A Case of You’ – what’s not to love?!

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