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Competition: Win tickets to see iconic queer punk band Gossip in Dublin

Save the date because legendary trio Gossip is coming to the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin on August 27!

Music trio Gossip, coming to Dublin in August, standing in front of a forecast screen and looking at the camera.
Image: Amplify Agency

Teaming up with our pals at Mother, Singular Artists are bringing pioneering queer dance-rock trio Gossip back to Dublin this August. If you’re feeling lucky, GCN has five pairs of tickets to give away to see Gossip live in Dublin for some very lucky readers!

As part of Singular Artists’ exceptional series of summer shows, Wilder Than Pictures 2024, punk legends Gossip have been announced as the fourth headliner in Dublin, with support from Irish queer band Sprints and indie pop group Nation of Language.

The chart-topping band formed by singer Beth Ditto, multi-instrumentalist Nathan Howdeshell and drummer Hannah Blilie will play the National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, on August 27 this year, bringing beloved indie anthems such as ‘Standing in the Way of Control’ back for their Irish audience.

This year saw the release of Real Power, the band’s first album since 2012. The project is a magical comeback that celebrates the galvanising might of music, the joy of creative expression, and the power of chosen family in the aftermath of collective and personal trauma. The tracks are a mix of sonic textures and genres from propulsive rock to jubilant disco and a deep dive into heady emotions encompassing the full range of the human experience.

After their unexpected “break-up”, the trio was brought back together by super producer Rick Rubin. He hosted Ditto and Howdeshell at his home studio in Kauai for a renewed collaboration just as the pandemic was starting in 2019. Overcoming the hurdles of travelling during the pandemic, the two managed to put together an impressive new Gossip album, with Hannah Blilie subsequently laying down the drums to complete the work.



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Speaking about this stellar reunion, Beth Ditto said: “We all experienced a lot of deep loss, and we each turned 40 since we last recorded together. Those are such big moments in your lives.”

“I’ve come to realize a lot of powerful things: that friendship is beautiful, that music is powerful, that we should never take life for granted,” says Howdeshell. “I can see the beauty of small things now.”

Commenting on their new album, Blille said: “What a way to come back after years of being gone: to come back strong and with purpose and so much joy and gratitude, but also getting out a lot of that fuck-the-world kind of energy”.

“When we began, so much about Gossip was about running away—that was always in the music,” added Ditto. “We survived. We came from nothing, and we got the fuck out of there. And to be here 20 years later and still making music together is just incredible.”

Tickets to see Gossip in the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin are on sale here. But for a chance to win a pair of tickets to the event, just answer the following question:

What’s the name of Gossip’s drummer?

The competition closes at midnight on Friday, August 22, 2024. Winners will be contacted directly and shared on social media.

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