Beloved Dublin venues Pantibar and Pennylane reopen their doors

The iconic Dublin venues are open for outdoor and takeaway service just in time for summer.

The exteriors of two bars with people gathered

In some wonderful news, beloved Dublin LGBTQ+ venues Pantibar and Pennylane have reopened for takeaway and outdoor service as the country begins to slowly ease lockdown restrictions.

The Queen of Ireland herself shared images of the exteriors revamped and ready for customers. She added, “Pantibar and Pennylane will open for outside and takeaway from 3pm this Monday.

“No bookings, just come along. It’s been a loooong time and we are so looking forward to having you back!”

Further social shares showed how much the community have missed these necessary spaces, as the safely distanced venues were welcomed back with open arms.

One social media user quipped, “The gays are returning to their natural habitat.”

Back in February of this year, venue owner Rory O’Neill spoke about the importance of queer spaces such as these. “What I often say to people is, even though Pantibar is in the middle of the city centre, it’s like a local pub in a village.

“I’m going to the same gay bar as I was when I first came out. I went to The George then and I would still go The George occasionally for a pint now. Whole generations go to the same bar and continue to. It’s where you go to meet all your friends, where you meet the people of your own community.

“I won’t name him but one of our customers, he retired during the pandemic so he’s 65. He would leave work every day and come into Pantibar and spend the evening there, sitting at the bar on exactly the same stool every single day, quietly and slowly having maybe three pints over the course of the evening, doing the Irish Times crossword.

“Other regular customers who had known him for years from this sort of thing, one would wander in and sit up with him for a chat, then go off and somebody else would sit. He lives alone and it’s his entire social interaction in life and for the last year, he hasn’t seen anybody.

“It does [play on my mind].”

Now that reopening begins, here’s hoping a return to beloved venues isn’t far behind.

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