Category is…IKEA realness
Tens, tens, tens across the (IKEA flat-pack) board!
It’s Pride month, which means that LGBTQ+ themed advertisements are out in force. That’s right, for one month we get to pretend that organisations care at least a smidgeon about anything other than cash dolla dollas and about LGBTs instead. The (lamp) shade of it all!
While most advertising goes for your usual “Yay Rainbows!” approach, IKEA have gone for a different, more creative feel that we are LOVING. Have you ever been wandering through the aisles of IKEA thinking “that shower curtain could make a really great pantsuit”? Just me?
Well, the Swedish furniture company will have you feeling your ultimate osmorg (shoehorn) fantasy!
In this newly-released minute long video, drag queens transform everyday IKEA products into dragtastic outfits, featuring everything from näckten’s to lankmoj’s! If you were running out of ideas for what to wear for this year’s Pride, consider turning that dusty old umbrella of yours into a runway ready look!
This isn’t the first time that the company has shown major support for the LGBTQ+ community. In 2015, they featured a gay couple on the cover of one of their product catalogues and in an ad for IKEA Family. They also raised a Pride flag in recognition of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia last year.
The President of the company’s Canadian branch, Marsha Smith, has said that they “truly believe that equality is at the heart of human rights,”.
“Every LGBT+ co-worker in this country has the right to be themselves when they come to work. With that in mind, we are proud to go all in on equality, creating a workplace where all co-workers feel welcomed, respected and appreciated for who they are.” she said.

IKEA are officially slaying the furniture company LGBT representation game!
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