New writing project celebrates stories from queer women and non-binary people in Ireland

Queer women and non-binary people are invited to get involved in an exciting new publication which seeks to celebrate the lives of our community.

This article is about a new queer writing project in Ireland. The image shows a person in a yellow jumper writing with a pen and paper.
Image: Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

Queer Connections aims to engage LGBTQ+ women and non-binary people in Ireland in a writing project that will result in the printing of an A5 magazine to be distributed with GCN’s print edition in December 2024. Community members from across Ireland are asked to submit their work, all of which will be published on the Queer Connections website, with a number of chosen works being included in the printed magazine.

All forms of writing, including fiction, poetry, essays, memoirs and anything else will be eligible. This publication is about celebrating the rich diversity of our community, so contributions from first-time writers and those who are marginalised within the community are especially welcome.

The recommended word count is 400-800 words, or up to two poems.

The team wants to hear stories of people living their best queer lives, especially when those stories haven’t been told before. Think queer elders, people pushing against what’s considered “the norm”, the ordinary heroes (aka people who are living “ordinary” lives, in a quietly revolutionary way).

Too often, queer topics are positioned as a new, modern phenomenon. This is especially true for trans issues. But it’s not true. We have always been here. Our stories have always been valid. This new writing project will strive to situate the current queer community in Ireland as an extension of what happened before.

Furthermore, you almost never read stories of queer joy. Or about the expansiveness that comes with being queer and getting to create your life on your own terms.

You are invited to write about important topics, but with a positive, celebratory tone. There is no mourning, only delight.

A full overview of the submission guidelines can be found here on the Queer Connections website. If you have any questions you can email [email protected]

Submissions are due by September 30, 2024.



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This project is the brainchild of Clare Egan, a writer, editor and social entrepreneur, and Karina Murray of Conscious Connections. It is kindly supported by Dublin Lesbian Line and the ESB Energy for Generations Fund.

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