10 Celebrity On-Stage Epic Fails


Poor Madonna broke the internet after last night’s Brit Awards performance when a wardrobe malfunction caused her to be yanked backwards down a flight of stairs. While she was left physically unscathed, we bet her ego is bruised this morning. Don’t worry, Madge. It’s happened to the best of ’em…


From Queen Bey to The King of Pop … here are some celebs who have faced some seriously epic stage slip-ups.



10. Taylor Swift

Back in her sparkly dresses phase, a teenage Taylor Swift lost her footing after rocking out a bit too hard on-stage. She gets right back up and continues to headbang. What a champ!


9. Jennifer Lawrence

A “dream come true” moment for J-Law – her name is called as the winner of Best Actress at the Oscars. Welling up and in complete shock, she makes her way to the stage only to faceplant on the steps. Hugh ‘The Gent’ Jackman tries to help her up, but it’s too late. Luckily, it just made the internet’s darling even more lovable! Falling at the Oscars kind of became a tradition for her after that.



8. Michelle Williams – Destiny’s Child

If Kelly’s stink eye is anything to go by, her DC bandmates were having NONE of Michelle falling during a TV performance of ‘Soldier’. Major shade.


7. Beyoncé

Queen Bey took a tumble all the way down a flight of stairs at a concert in Lisbon. Is it just us, or does she still look ***FLAWLESS?


6. Lady Gaga – Hits dancer in face

She hasn’t always been the polished performer that she is now. During an early gig, she decked a dancer in the face with a microphone. Ouch, that gotta hurt!


5. Katy Perry – Stage Dive Fail

Before she was dancing with candy canes and feuding with Taylor Swift, a guitar wielding KP was on tour with the definitive punk-rock roadshow that is The Warped Tour. In the spirit of tour, she did a stage dive. Things kind of went arse-up from there… literally.


4. Michael Jackson

This one is more serious and scary. While filming a Pepsi ad in the 80s, an explosion detonated too early setting the King of Pop’s hair on fire. We’re willing to bet a pyrotechnic lost his job…


3. Kelsey Grammar

One second he is on the stage, and POOF! He’s gone!


2. Carmen Elektra – Runway Fall

This one is a double whammy! What was going on here? Did someone wax the floor right before show time? Oh, the humanity!


1. Shannon O’Hara – Ringmaster’s Drag Race In The Dragon

Our hometown hero, Shannon O’Hara, went viral after her performance at The Dragon’s drag competition. Despite falling from a balcony while performing Britney’s Circus and still continuing the performance – O’Hara never made it to the next round. However, this video lives on.



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