An anti-gay Christian group, dressed in head-to-toe green unitards infiltrated Toronto’s Pride Parade at the weekend.
The group registered for the parade under the ficticious ‘Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumer Association’. The stunt was organised by a notorious anti-gay “street preacher” called Bill Whatcott.
The ‘Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumer Association’ marched along the parade route handing out what appeared to be safe-sex kits, but what were in fact filled with anti-gay literature warning about the dangers of homosexuality.
The one-page leaflet featured slams against pro-gay Canadian politicians on one side, and graphic photos of genital warts and a patient with advanced HIV on the other, reports South Florida Gay News.

Writing on his blog, organiser Whatcott posted pictures from the parade, alongside the caption: “Here is my Elite Top Secret Special Forces Crack Christian Commando Anti-Sodomite Counter Intellegence Unit leaving the Sherbourne Subway Station disguised as the ‘Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association’ to infiltrate and strike the dark forces of the Toronto Homosexual Shame parade and bring about a glorious victory for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by delivering 3,000 ‘Zombie Safe Sex’ packages to the parade goers.”
“Our delivery was a bit creative,” Whatcott – who was found guilty of hate speech against the LGBT community in 2013 – told Christian News site LifeSiteNews.”But, we wanted to give people this message because it is truthful.”
Whatcott and co pulled a similar stunt in 2014 when they registered for Vancouver’s Parade under the banner of the fictitious Calgary Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to distribute anti-gay leaflets disguised as condoms.
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