Community mourns closure of beloved Dublin arcade bar Token

Token will close its doors for good on June 16, following eight years of making memories in Dublin 7.

Exterior of Dublin bar Token. The venue's sign is shown in the image, with a colourful mural painted on the wall. The shutters are down on the door.
Image: @dublinmochroi_ via Instagram

Beloved Dublin arcade bar Token is due to close its doors in June after eight wonderful years of service. The venue confirmed the news on Monday, May 20, sparking devastated responses from customers and community members.

Situated on 72-74 Queen Street in Smithfield, Token offers two bars, 40 arcade and pinball machines and award-winning omni and vegan food. Alongside its regular operations, the venue has also hosted an array of fun events, including themed table quizzes, cocktail competitions and even queer speed dating. 

Despite its popularity, Token has announced it will be “closing for good” on June 16.

Sharing a photo featuring the text “Game over”, the team wrote: “Though often fully booked, we can’t justify raising prices further to meet rising costs. We may do it all again sometime in the future, but chances are slim and there is no plan to reopen.

“We’ve made amazing memories with our guests and received strong community support both supportive during tough times and sometimes quite critical – but regardless, it felt good to know that people cared about what we were trying to do.”

The venue thanked its staff for “giving it their all and still providing great experiences” despite having been informed of the closure in early March, and said: “We’ve made a lot of friends for life and this in its own has made the journey worth it.”

Until it shuts its doors in June, Token promises to have special offers on drinks, bring back classic menu items and put on an event or two to ensure its “final days are a long celebration”.

“If you have tokens at home, now’s the time to use them! Same if you have any gift cards!” the team told its customers.

“All in all, it’s quite sad, but we gave it our best effort and are walking away with hundreds of memories,” the statement concluded.



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A post shared by Token – Dublin (@tokendublin)

In the comments of the Instagram post, customers shared their disappointment at the news and their favourite memories from nights at Token.

One person wrote: “Dublin has officially lost its craic,” while another said: “It’s not game over the game is broken. If a company that is often packed and fully booked can’t be sustainable then the system is broken nd we are truly f**ked”.

Neighbouring business Coke Lane Pizza shared: “Jesus this hit hard. Since the beginning, I was in awe of Shane and the kitchen team smashing it day in day out. Cracking menu and delivered so so well. Such a great place. Good luck with your next move. It will be class, no doubt”.

Another devastated patron commented: “I am so sorry to hear this, you should be super proud of the work you’ve done, one of the most unique places in Dublin and not just a gimmick, the food is always fantastic too. Wishing you all the best”.

Similarly, someone else described Token as “hands down the coolest place” they’d been to, adding: “Being there felt like being a kid again, pure joy all around.”

At the time of writing, there are a total of 745 comments on the post, demonstrating the impact the venue had on Dublin.

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