Gay Health Forum unveils fantastic lineup of speakers for 2024

Among other highlights, the programme for the 2024 Gay Health Forum includes panel discussions on Doxy PEP and trans healthcare.

Photo from the Gay Health Forum, which have just announced their 2024 programme, showing people during a panel discussion in a big room.
Image: Via X - @fintanwarfield

The Gay Health Forum has announced the full programme for their 2024 conference on the sexual health and wellbeing of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.

Taking place on August 23, this year the Gay Health Forum will celebrate its 21st edition. The forum is coordinated every year by by the Gay Health Network (GHN) and the Gay Men’s Health Service (GMHS).

The annual conference provides a platform for community organisations and experts from the health sector in Ireland to present up-to-date research, surveillance, policy, and clinical information about sexual health. Moreover, the forum offers an opportunity for the gbMSM community to engage with service providers and policymakers.

The 2024 Gay Health Forum will take place on August 23 at the Hibernia Conference Centre, in Dublin. Starting at 9am with registration, the forum will kick off with a welcome speech by GHN Chairperson Alan Coyne, who will illustrate the plan for the day.

The morning will feature a panel discussion on Doxy PEP followed by a Q&A with Professor Fiona Lyons, Dr John Gilmore, Aaron O’Sullivan from the Sexual Health Centre and Adam Shanley from the MPOWER programme.

Then, after updates from the GMHS, the Health Protection Surveillance Centre and Man2Man, community organisations such as LGBT Ireland, HIV Ireland, Outhouse and Belong To will present their findings and reports on the sexual health of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. Other speakers featured in the morning will be Ellen Conlon from Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Lorraine O’Connell from Sexual Health West.


After a lunch break, the afternoon will start with an Expert Session on models of trans healthcare led by Dr Beth McElrea and Sibéal Coll from Trans Healthcare Action. This will be followed by an update on institutional violence against trans and nonbinary people in medical settings presented by Daire Dempsey from Transgender Equality Network Ireland.

Later in the day, participants will listen to discussions on Inter Partner Violence (IPV), and Coercive Control and Chemsex, with speakers including Derek Byrne from Mensaid and Graham Ryall from the Rialto Community Drug Team. The afternoon will also include a presentation of the exhibition Out of the strong came forth sweetness (aka The 30 Project) by Brian Teeling.

Speaking about the announcement of the 2024 programme, GHN Secretary Bill Foley said: “Gay Health Network’s annual Gay Health Forum continues to be a vital platform for addressing the pressing health concerns of our community. Bringing together the statutory and NGO services it remains a unique platform for exchanging information and health care experiences as well as for identifying gaps in health services.”

“In this, GHN’s 30th year, we are especially proud to be presenting not one but two key panel discussions,” Foley continued. “The first explores guidelines for the introduction of DoxyPEP in Ireland. A potential game changer. The second addresses the lack of adequate trans healthcare in Ireland.

“In the wake of the Cass Report in the UK the timing of this discussion could not be more vital. This and the other many interesting and engaging presentations make Gay Health Forum an unmissable event.”

You can register for the Gay Health Forum here.

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