Technology think tank, Time Well Spent, has released data which shows the app habits of 200,000 participants. The results show that the app which makes users the most unhappy is Grindr.
Founder of the organisation, Tristan Harris, is a former employee of Google. Time Well Spent is studying the effects of mobile devices and app. They are specifically focused on how technology creates obsessive use patterns, impeding the users quality of life.
In the Huffington Post, Harris wrote:
“The ultimate freedom is a free mind, and we need technology that’s on our team to help us live, feel, think and act freely. … People’s time is valuable. And we should protect it with the same rigor as privacy and other digital rights.”
As user attention spans decrease, more companies try to capture our attention with auto-play, infinite streams and notifications in order to keep making money.
Time Well Spent has found that what may be best for capturing our attention isn’t best for our well-being.
Time Well Spent has recently published a list which ranks the apps based on their happy and unhappy ratings.
They partnered with Moment, which is an app which tracks screen time and polled 200,000 phone users to measure their happiness after using each app.
Grindr landed at the number one spot for unhappy users. 77% of users said they were unhappy using it.

Grindr was not the only dating app with high unhappiness ratings. Tinder ranked in the Top 10 with 56% of users unhappy.
There is also a correlation found between the amount of time individuals spends on the app and how unhappy they are. It seems that the longer they stay on an app, the more you regret using it.
Other apps that users ranked as unhappy were Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat all of which had an unhappiness rating of more than 50%.
Time Well Spent is seeking to redefine the future of user engagement with technology by inspiring humane design, applying political pressure, creating a cultural awakening and engaging employees.
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