Accessibility needs of community discussed at Outhouse Town Hall event

Highlighting challenges faced by disabled LGBTQ+ individuals the event marks a significant step towards a more accessible community.


In an effort to strive towards greater inclusivity, Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre hosted an Accessibility Town Hall meeting yesterday, May 9, a pivotal moment in their ongoing commitment to creating a more accessible and welcoming space for all members of the LGBTQ+ community. 

With a spotlight on the challenges faced by disabled, neurodivergent, and deaf LGBTQ+ individuals, the event marked a significant step towards fostering a more equitable environment in the historic LGBTQ+ centre.

The meeting served as a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and collective action. Led by Oisín O’Reilly, CEO of Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre, and Hannah Kelly, Programmes and Services Manager, the event provided attendees with insights into the centre’s current context, accessibility goals, and existing barriers. As part of the meeting, participants were encouraged to share their perspectives and contribute to shaping the future trajectory of Outhouse.

At the start of the event, Outhouse provided insights into their short-, medium- and long-term accessibility plans. The short-term plans included developing event accessibility checklists, enhancing accessible communication strategies, and conducting centre tours to facilitate engagement and familiarity.

As for the medium-term goals, Outhouse explained that they are planning to provide universal access to their facilities’ ground floor and basement levels within the next 12 to 18 months. Finally, their long-term vision is to become a world-class centre where accessibility needs are met to the best of their abilities.

Following their presentation, in the form of a Q&A round, the organisation then accepted feedback and answered questions about their strategy.

After the meeting, Oisín O’Reilly said:  “We’re so appreciative of our community for participating in our Accessibility Town Hall and for sharing their invaluable feedback and insights with us. 

“The candid feedback shared has illuminated the complex intersectionality of LGBTQ+ identity and disability, shedding light on the multifaceted challenges faced by disabled people and those with additional access needs when accessing Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre, and all LGBTQ+ community and commercial spaces.

“This event marks not just a moment, but the inception of an ongoing dialogue. Our journey to ensure a Space for All is just beginning,” he added.

Founded on the principles of inclusivity and solidarity, the Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre has long been a cornerstone of support for LGBTQ+ individuals. However, the recognition of areas where the organization has fallen short underscores a commitment to continual growth and improvement.

Outhouse strives to better understand the intersectional identities and unique challenges faced by disabled LGBTQ+ people, and is committed to addressing systemic barriers and ensuring that every voice is heard.


Looking ahead, Outhouse envisions becoming a world-class LGBTQ+ centre grounded in the principles of universal access and inclusivity. A feasibility study, secured through collaboration with the City, will explore the viability of future initiatives, with a focus on partnership, innovation, and community engagement.

The Town Hall meeting served as a crucial step towards achieving this goal. By amplifying disabled voices, Outhouse is taking an important step towards building a more inclusive, accessible and welcoming community for LGBTQ+ individuals of all backgrounds.

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