Barriers removed from Gender Recognition Act in Ireland

The Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) broke the news that a deed poll will no longer be required for those looking for a Gender Recognition Cert.

Trans Pride in Dublin City Centrer. Today, barriers have been removed from the Gender Recognition Act in Ireland
Image: Hazel Coonagh

Ireland has just amended its Gender Recognition Act, removing barriers that would prevent Trans people from getting their chosen name on legal documents.

The change came about during administrative changes and the result is that Trans or gender-nonconforming people no longer need a deed poll in order to be legally recognised by their new name. Going forward, the use of the person’s chosen name on the application form is sufficient to apply for a Gender Recognition Cert.

In accordance with the development, the Gender Recognition Cert 1 is currently being redesigned by Client Identity Services and will soon reflect the new policy. New applicants should ignore the paragraph which reads:

“If you wish to have a name other than that on your original birth certificate shown on the Gender Recognition Certificate, we require evidence of “use and repute” over two years of a Deed Poll for a change of name which has been enrolled in the High Court.”

TENI welcomes the new development with regard to legal name change through the GRC [Gender Recognition Cert] process,” Noah Halpin, TENI’s Community Aid Officer, said to GCN.

“This was achieved through the Gender Recognition Act Review in 2018. By no longer needing a deed poll, prior to applying for a GRC, the financial pressure that came as a result, will be alleviated. This had acted as a barrier for many people and now makes the process much quicker and much more accessible.”

Acknowledging that there is always more work to be done, Halpin goes on to say, “However, TENI continues to advocate for full gender recognition to include all trans and non-binary people in Ireland.”

The move is receiving widespread praise online with many celebrating the development, including BeLonG To Youth Services who quoted TENI’s Tweet that broke the news. They said, “Some great news regarding the process for Gender Recognition in Ireland”.

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