Bulgaria bans LGBTQ+ ‘propaganda’ in schools with troubling new law

The so-called anti-propaganda legislation contains wording reminiscent of similar laws enacted in Russia and Hungary.

Three flags of Bulgaria, where a law banning anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda was passed. The flags have three stripes in white, green and red.
Image: Via Unplash - Luba Ertel

On Wednesday, August 7, the Parliament in Bulgaria approved a law banning so-called LGBTQ+ “propaganda” in schools, in a move that has been widely condemned by human rights and advocacy groups across Europe.

Drafted by the country’s pro-Russia far-right Revival Party, the amendment to Bulgaria’s Preschool and School Education Act bans “propaganda, promotion, or incitement in any way, directly or indirectly, in the education system of ideas and views related to non-traditional sexual orientation and/or gender identity other than the biological one.”

In addition to banning portrayals of LGBTQ+ relationships and identities in schools, the law prohibits such content “in the vicinity of” educational establishments. The wording of the draft legislation is reminiscent of the anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda laws enacted in Russia and Hungary.

Members of the Bulgarian parliament approved the law with a large majority, passing it with 159 votes in favour, 22 against and 12 abstentions. Both readings of the draft legislation took place yesterday, August 7, only seven days after passing the Committee stage. Several advocacy groups have highlighted how the law was fast-tracked through parliament in a clear attempt to pass it before the end of summer while international institutions have reduced capacity.

Rémy Bonny, Executive Director of LGBTQ+ advocacy organisation Forbidden Colours, condemned the anti-propaganda legislation passed in Bulgaria: “This law is a direct assault on the fundamental human rights of LGBTIQ+ individuals, particularly children. It is deeply troubling to see Bulgaria adopting tactics from Russia’s anti-human rights playbook. Such actions are not only regressive but are also in direct contradiction to the values of equality and non-discrimination that the European Union stands for.

“The wording of this law is disturbingly reminiscent of the Russian and Hungarian anti-LGBTIQ+ propaganda laws,” Bonny continued. “This is a clear attempt by the Bulgarian government to roll back the clock on human rights and suppress the visibility of LGBTIQ+ individuals.

“We call upon the European Commission to initiate infringement procedures against Bulgaria, similar to the actions taken against Hungary. The EU must demonstrate that it will not tolerate such blatant violations of human rights within its member states,” the activist said.


Leading LGBTQ+ organisation ILGA-Europe also condemned the legislation, with Executive Director Chaber saying: “The proponents of the law, the Revival Party, and all those who voted in favour of the law claim that this is to protect young people, however the truth is that this is an attack on the rights of children, particularly LGBTI children.”

In the most recent Rainbow Map published by ILGA-Europe, which ranks European countries based on the state of LGBTQ+ rights and freedoms, Bulgaria placed 38th out of 48 countries. Out of the 27 EU member states, Bulgaria was third last, only followed by Romania and Poland.

Anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda laws have been repeatedly found to be in violation of the European Convention of Human Rights, meaning the passing of this law will further aggravate the state of LGBTQ+ rights in Bulgaria.

As stated by Denitsa Lyubenova, a lawyer at LGBTQ+ organisation Deystvie in Bulgaria: “The previous opinion of the Venice Commission makes it clear that such ‘anti-propaganda’ bills put children and youth at risk by contributing to creating a threatening environment where LGBTI children can be subject to health-related risks, bullying and harassment, and they exclude LGBTI people from fully participating in a democratic society.”

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